Stories, Photos & Videos from the Boys

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From a KO of a case of beer and an Old Blue Wing in the opening minutes, the ’68 Commonwealth Cup Championship game set the bar for Old Boys Rugby.

Winning isn’t everything to
the Old Blue Rugby Club…
It’s the only thing. 

The Commonwealth Cup trophy was only an old pewter mug. Purchased for $5.25, as a default after no one from the University of Virginia Rugby Club could find the much desired ‘holy grail’ trophy – a battered spittoon. Nevertheless, the battles to claim that vaunted trophy spilled enough blood to top the cup many times over. As memorialized by writer Joe Jares in the May 20, 1968, issue of Sports Illustrated, that year’s Commonwealth Cup Rugby championship game was an epic battle that pitted the Virginia collegians against the Old Blue, a team of ruthless ruggers seminally connected to Columbia University, but ultimately a band of dedicated mercenaries that personify the spirit(s), glory and grit of Old Boys Rugby.

Click here to read “OLD BLUE SLASHES 'EM AGAIN” in the Sports Illustrated Vault


Here’s something you can relate to… 

The following events are all true. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

The Big Chill Meets Animal House Burnett Rugby ISU

How ‘bout that - we scored against the All Blacks…!

Hey - check this out: An old boy cracks the code: The Beer Diet

Gary Greenberg, author, is one of us. By his own admission, during his days at Penn State he majored in rugby, beer drinking and coeds….amazingly getting his degree in spite of all that serious stuff!